Available Now!
All-Inclusive Harm Reduction Drug Test Kits
Drug overdoses remain one of the greatest threats to our communities.
MD-Bio is at the forefront of Harm Reduction, which aims to supply at-need communities and organizations that are being hit the hardest by the opioid epidemic with drug test kits.
By supplying MD-Bio Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Kits to these entities, we are giving communities, and especially, individuals the ability to know what is in their drugs.

Offering unmatched customization.
Build the perfect kit for your harm reduction organization
- How many tests do you want inside each kit? You have absolute control.
- Add custom text to the outside of your test kit. Perfect for contact details.
- Insert a QR code leading to the URL of your choice. Like your website!
- Put your logo on each bag, so people know how great your organization is!
Now Available!
Fentanyl & Xylazine Combo Test Kits from MD-Bio
The prevalence of fentanyl and xylazine (tranq) in street drugs is skyrocketing. The combination of these drugs can be deadly.
Since xylazine is a non-opioid, it is resistant to naloxone, which is often used to counteract overdoses, making it incredibly dangerous when its presence is unknown.
MD-Bio is offering Xylazine Test Strips for quick xylazine detection in pills, powders, liquids and more. Pair them with our Fentanyl Test Strips for unparalleled detection.
Click below for more info and to buy Drug Test Kits.
- Quick, accurate detection of fentanyl/xylazine in pills, powders, liquids and more
- Get easy-to-read results in less than two minutes
- Designed with user safety as our top priority